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Friday, September 19, 2014

The Journey and its Untold Story

It was recently suggested that I write my story. Not the one I'm currently writing, but the one that is unfolding now. I was told it's a story that many people can relate to and should be shared. Life has many ups and downs. Sometimes the downs outweigh the ups. I've been contemplating about that. I've been contemplating on a lot of things. Sharing my story is motivating to see where this journey has led me. Yet, there are parts of it that's raw. This current journey I'm on is raw and painful and confusing all bottled up into one. It was suggested that if I focus on this part of the journey, I could reach a greater audience, and may even help those who are experiencing what I'm experiencing.

I'm just not sure how to do that.

I took a walk along the shoreline. I didn't listen to any music and instead the sounds of the ocean's waves. The seagulls were walking with me, literally. A butterfly flew by, where it came from is unbeknownst to me. There were few people out, and I picked some seashells. Life has taken a down turn for me. Expressing it has become harder than expected. It surprises me, because I'm usually good at saying how I feel. Like the breeze, I just want to move along without talking or feeling. For now, I rather be by the water and watch nature take its course. I love going to the beach during the spring and fall seasons. It's quiet, not many people are on the beach, and there are more shells for the picking. I especially enjoy walking along the shoreline. The footprints in the sand are interesting to see. I wonder what footprints in the sand I made. I wonder where they'll take me.

My story continues.

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